How to Quit Smoking - The Easiest Ways

If you are reading this, then you 've already taken the first step. Thinking of quitting ! The decision to stop smoking can seem overwhelming, but with the help of this guide and the support of family and friends, you can do it! Half of all people who have ever smoked have quit and you can too. If you have tried to quit smoking and it did not work, you can use what you 've learned before you can succeed this time . It can be very difficult to stop, but once you do, you 'll look better , feel better, feel better and be healthier ! We have listed some simple ways to stop smoking

Why should I quit? Everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer when you get older , but did you know it also has negative effects on your body at that time know? A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals , and at least 43 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer in humans.

Well, I decided to stop ... the question is ... How to quit smoking ? The hardest part of quitting is breaking the habits that go with it. For example, if you are used to smoking with friends when you're hanging out together , it will be difficult to go out with them and do not smoke . The best way to quit smoking is not to put themselves in situations with people who smoke and stay away from places where you used to smoke .

A . Avoid places and situations where you normally smoke .
Two . Spend a few days or a week away from your friends who smoke.
Three . If your family smokes, ask them not to smoke in your room.
April. Year. It will take your mind off smoking, you will feel better and stay healthy .
May Plan activities during the first weeks of taking your mind off smoking.
6 . Buy lots of carrots, celery and other healthy for you to chew instead of smoke foods.

How will I feel when I quit smoking? If you are a regular smoker , your body is used to having nicotine and other chemicals all the time. You may experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking . This means that you can feel like cigarettes, or you just might feel uncomfortable or nervous. Many people confuse the desire for nicotine hunger. You must listen to your body, so it will not eat when you are not really hungry. Do something to keep busy . If you must eat healthy snacks like carrots or celery .

When the desire of nicotine disappear? In a week or two , the need for nicotine will disappear and you will feel more like you. At first, you can also become frustrated , depressed or depressed. It may seem that you are alone in your suffering and no one understands what is happening . Although it will be difficult ,how to these feelings disappear with time .how to After a few weeks will be the hardest part of quitting - the physical addiction , when your body feels like it needs nicotine. However, it may still be hard to resist a cigarette how to. The habit of having a cigarette in hand and smoking while doing activities such as talking on the phone or hanging out with friends , it can be difficult to break.

After I left, I can smoke a cigarette from time to time ? Many people through the most difficult part of quitting and mistakenly think they can start smoking a cigarette from time to time again. Soon, their old habits and back again to Quitting smoking is difficult for most people so that once you leave , make a commitment to yourself that you can not turn on !

Oops! He had a cigarette. I guess quitting is very difficult for me . If you give and smoke a cigarette while you are trying to quit smoking , do not worry ! This does not mean that you can not leave .how to Quitting smoking is a very difficult thing to do, and it is not surprising that you can and make a cigarette break at some point .how to The important thing is not to use this as a reason to become a regular smoker again .how to Think of it as an error and tell you that you will not let it happen again . You can do it!

What if you actually start smoking? If you try to quit smoking and not working, do not give up. Quitting smoking is very to Think about why quitting is not working for you. Only you know why you love smoking, and only you can understand what it takes for you to stop . Start thinking about what you can do to help you quit smoking for to Try to stop smoking again in a few weeks and use what you have learned from your first experience to make it work the second time.

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