The Secret to Quitting Smoking - Developing a Killer Plan

This article describes several specific to help you successfully quit smoking techniques. After trying and do not leave much time, I was finally able to address the problem in the right way and I was able to quit smoking successfully. The following information is directly from the experience of real life smoking cessation .
Snap decisions leave almost always safe
I decided to stop several times before I make paste . Those snap decisions always leave not for me, and I can look back and see easily why: lack of planning. Because it is quitting smoking is so difficult, so the decision on a whim , without planning involved , almost always go set yourself up for failure. Pass through the initial withdrawal symptoms during the first week was very difficult for me - this is where I always threw in the towel and grabbed another cigarette. People who have never tried to quit smoking, they are often overwhelmed by the severity of withdrawal symptoms, and not have a plan and specific strategies to deal with them is a recipe for failure.
Even planned out attempts almost always fail
If you have already picked up a " quit kit" , or read other material to stop smoking , then you know it is almost always focus on planning. I read all these guides myself, but never helped me out . The reason is that they do not have the specific strategies and techniques that helped me to finally overcome the horrible withdrawal symptoms . . "' M Take the nicotine patch " Most people who develop a plan to stop using a unique strategy as a potential defector O might say , "I 'll cut every day for a week, then closing for the weekend. "These are the low order planes almost never work . Developing a strategy to run , it is necessary to develop a comprehensive strategy that can overcome both the psychological as well as relations with the physical cravings addiction.
The mental obstacle that stops are hooked : Enjoy Smoking
A number of people to give excuses why they have not stopped smoking : say they like smoking cigarettes. This little mental hiccup, prevented me from smoking for several years. Stop now and realize that people do not enjoy smoking - what they like is to prevent the onset of withdrawal symptoms. They bring a great relief ( and "enjoyment" ) when a cigarette is lit, because they are comforted by the fact that once again has avoided the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms . This is the source of your pleasure.
Think about it . How many times a day, a real race head to smoke cigarettes ? Once or twice ? It is five seconds pathetic little "buzz" really nice ?
Now think about this: let's say you 're in a situation where you can not smoke for several hours. Very uncomfortable , right? This first use of cigarettes is reached after crossing which is pretty good, right? This should show you what is really "enjoy" smoking : Nicotine is an injection. You feed your body what it has physical thirst. When we smoke , we are like zombies from a supply nicotine to another. Cigarette after cigarette. Day after day. Until we die .
Here's another thing to think about : Let's say you 're stuck somewhere and you're waiting for a ride to pick you up . You're bored . Note that smoke more when you're bored . Why is that? The reason is because they have become hyper aware next nicotine withdrawal. You may have just put a cigarette 20 minutes ago . But because you are bored , you become aware that you will start to feel a little nervous. So you light a cigarette to keep them well fed with lots of nicotine body . Just finish the tank so that you can avoid withdrawal. Looks like fun to you?
We deceive ourselves by saying that we love the taste of cigarettes , or we like to see the smoke , or enjoy the rituals involved with cigarettes. This is simply a great show to keep a physical addiction to nicotine. Stop playing these mind tricks yourself and see cigarettes for what they really are: nicotine delivery devices . Do not smoke like it, you are physically addicted to nicotine . Get straight in your mind , and honestly assess your addiction for what it is .
Specific techniques to get through the first week of discomfort
All my previous attempts to stop always ended in the first week. I could not make it through the initial withdrawal . Every time I left , I learned a little more about what is needed to make it a success . Over time , I began to reconstruct a long-term strategy that allows me to use all the resources and opportunities for me to stop smoking successfully . How should I do ? I pointed out what works in my previous attempts to quit smoking and what does not work. Then I developed a strategy from there . For example , I tried to quit once , when I was in the middle of a family vacation in a theme park. In fact , I had four days without smoking, because of the incredible power of distraction. The day was very busy and consumed with activity and distraction that I could make it through without smoking. (Of course, I went back to smoking soon after , but I learned something about him that allowed me to quit smoking forever with time). So part of a strategy to exit murderer provides distractions during the first week .
Another specific technique I used when I stopped was a reward strategy success. I saved a significant amount of money for several months (about $ 1200 in fact ) that I set aside to be thinner than the reward money for the success rate. My plan was to reward myself for allowing me to pass on what I wanted if I did 30 days of cigarettes. This strategy worked perfectly for me, and in fact leave fun and exciting at the same time . And please do not say that you can not afford this kind of strategy. This is nonsense , given the amount of money it costs each year to continue to smoke. Only the cost of cigarettes is only likely to be several thousand dollars , and there are other hidden costs associated with smoking , and ( stains, clothes, medical bills, sick leave , etc. . ) So , do not think not for a second you can not afford to reward . Smoking costs thousands of dollars each year.

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