You 're finally ready to quit for the Great American Smoke Out on November 15 this year ? Great American Smoke Out is takes place the third Thursday of November . Smokers across the country are trying to quit or smoke less that day .
For many smokers , it is the day that will finally stop smoking for good. The event was widely discussed that day and many volunteers from different organizations will be available to assist and support tobacco users desire to quit .
The Great American Smoke Out is also attracting the attention of many illnesses , diseases and deaths due to the use of snuff. also
According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 45 million American adults smoke cigarettes . More than 8 million people have a disease attributed to smoking . The use of tobacco may cause lung cancer and other cancers , heart disease , and pulmonary disease such as emphysema and COPD . 1-3 cancer deaths are attributable to tobacco use .
Over the years , people have tried various methods to try to break the addiction to nicotine. Many people have had success with patches, pills, gums and hypnosis. Recently, low laser therapy ( LLLT) has been introduced to help people quit smoking.
Laser therapy of low intensity is the use of a low intensity laser cold to stimulate acupuncture points on the body to reduce the craving for nicotine . Therapy stimulates the body and helps in the production of endorphins , which are natural healers of your body. The production of endorphins helps eliminate cravings generated by nicotine. Most people report a feeling of tranquility and well after undergoing laser therapy to quit smoking.
The great thing about laser therapy low level that differs from most other therapies is that there are no side effects reported with treatment. There are very few cons -indications to therapy so that most people can be treated. Because treatment is currently in clinical trials by the FDA, people with active cancer or pregnant women can not be processed. People who are sensitive to antibiotics , light or currently involved steroids are also eligible for treatment.
I was a smoker for 20 years who stopped smoking with this therapy. My father , a smoker of 44 years , also left the laser therapy of low intensity. I can also mention countless people who were smokers who quit long-term success with laser therapy and low experienced no side effects except for a feeling of relaxation intensity.
Did you know the positive changes that occur in the body when you decide to quit? Check out these facts :
20 minutes after quitting : Blood pressure drops to a level close to your last cigarette before level . The temperature of your hands and feet increases , returning to normal.
8 hours after leaving : The level of carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal , the body is now becoming more oxygen.
24 hours after quitting : you better circulation and your lung function increases up to 30 %
1 to 9 months after quitting : Coughing, sinus congestion , fatigue and shortness of breath. Your lungs begin to work better, to reduce the risk of lung infections.
1 year after leaving : To reduce your risk of heart disease by 50 %.
5-15 years after quitting : The risk of stroke is the same as someone who has never smoked.
10 years after quitting : The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a smoker to continue. Your risk of cancer of the mouth , throat , esophagus , kidney and pancreas decreases .
15 years after quitting : The risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who has never smoked.
For many smokers , it is the day that will finally stop smoking for good. The event was widely discussed that day and many volunteers from different organizations will be available to assist and support tobacco users desire to quit .
The Great American Smoke Out is also attracting the attention of many illnesses , diseases and deaths due to the use of snuff. also
According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 45 million American adults smoke cigarettes . More than 8 million people have a disease attributed to smoking . The use of tobacco may cause lung cancer and other cancers , heart disease , and pulmonary disease such as emphysema and COPD . 1-3 cancer deaths are attributable to tobacco use .
Over the years , people have tried various methods to try to break the addiction to nicotine. Many people have had success with patches, pills, gums and hypnosis. Recently, low laser therapy ( LLLT) has been introduced to help people quit smoking.
Laser therapy of low intensity is the use of a low intensity laser cold to stimulate acupuncture points on the body to reduce the craving for nicotine . Therapy stimulates the body and helps in the production of endorphins , which are natural healers of your body. The production of endorphins helps eliminate cravings generated by nicotine. Most people report a feeling of tranquility and well after undergoing laser therapy to quit smoking.
The great thing about laser therapy low level that differs from most other therapies is that there are no side effects reported with treatment. There are very few cons -indications to therapy so that most people can be treated. Because treatment is currently in clinical trials by the FDA, people with active cancer or pregnant women can not be processed. People who are sensitive to antibiotics , light or currently involved steroids are also eligible for treatment.
I was a smoker for 20 years who stopped smoking with this therapy. My father , a smoker of 44 years , also left the laser therapy of low intensity. I can also mention countless people who were smokers who quit long-term success with laser therapy and low experienced no side effects except for a feeling of relaxation intensity.
Did you know the positive changes that occur in the body when you decide to quit? Check out these facts :
20 minutes after quitting : Blood pressure drops to a level close to your last cigarette before level . The temperature of your hands and feet increases , returning to normal.
8 hours after leaving : The level of carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal , the body is now becoming more oxygen.
24 hours after quitting : you better circulation and your lung function increases up to 30 %
1 to 9 months after quitting : Coughing, sinus congestion , fatigue and shortness of breath. Your lungs begin to work better, to reduce the risk of lung infections.
1 year after leaving : To reduce your risk of heart disease by 50 %.
5-15 years after quitting : The risk of stroke is the same as someone who has never smoked.
10 years after quitting : The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a smoker to continue. Your risk of cancer of the mouth , throat , esophagus , kidney and pancreas decreases .
15 years after quitting : The risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who has never smoked.
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