If I Can Quit Smoking so Can You

I smoked for over 15 years and I stopped again for who knows how many times. I went through life using smoking for various reasons and never really understood the effects of smoking was having on my health. I gave vices before but nothing has challenged me as much as quitting. Whenever I quit and I started again , it was usually for reasons that affected my personal life. I learned to smoke to manage stress , boredom and depression. As I became more and more dependent on smoking to cope with the psychological problems of my life has been increasingly difficult to stop. I just want to stop trying to quit smoking or that I was able to leave for any length of time, I would start up to deal with unfortunate circumstances in my life. I got to the point where you just do not have the will or desire to quit.
Smoking is a bad habit , it turns your teeth and yellow fingers , smelly clothes and the car, not to mention the harmful effects of smoking on ones health . Sometimes we are unlucky and we see loved ones die of a smoking-related disease . However , we continue to smoke. Why ? For me , I came to the conclusion that as long as I can admit to myself, I want to quit and I think I can quit smoking, I will not be able to leave . Then I had to think all the time I stopped ahead and make a list of what was happening in my life that made me start smoking. As mentioned above it is generally the problems that create stress in my life depresses me . I know what these triggers were instrumental in the abandonment of this time, hopefully for good. If you do not know why you smoke, you will not be able to develop a plan to deal with situations that bring on cravings. There are more healthy to deal with their problems instead of illuminating ways. There are several ways to manage stress in a healthy and productive manner. Since everyone is different, you should think of a way that works for you . For me, I like to take a little time alone, without distractions, watch a movie, and occasionally think about exercise.
With how you will manage the psychological reason why smoking has been shown to be useful for me to have a list of reasons why you want to quit. My first was for my new baby. The rest more or less turned around. I want to live longer, a good example, protect your health , be able to run around the yard without falter, etc. You get the picture. Of course , I had many other reasons , but listing them all would be futile. There was another key element of success in my efforts to quit smoking and support component received . You do not have to leave alone, people can help you and encourage you to not turn on. They have the understanding , empathy, and generally a real desire to see you succeed . One of the best resources I enjoyed using was taboo online. If I stop smoking if you can.
Everyone is different and there are many different ideas out there on how to quit. This article discusses some of the main things that have helped me to quit smoking . You can find a different approach that works for you. I think the ideas discussed are key players to succeed. I hope you found this information helpful and I wish him the best of luck in their efforts to quit. As the title says, if I stop what you can .

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