Quit Smoking Symptoms Explained

There are many different symptoms that appear quitting among smokers who try to quit smoking. The range of symptoms is very wide, but luckily , most smokers do not suffer any symptoms , only one or two. However, some of the symptoms can be very uncomfortable and can motivate smokers to give up and start quitting.

Symptoms in alphabetical order , the most common are quit smoking :

Stop Smoking Symptom  1 : Anger: When you stop smoking, your brain chemistry is not able to function normally because it has no nicotine in your system. As a result , smokers who were smoke for a day or it can be a little cranky . They tend to be rather unpleasant company and are likely to lose his temper easily .

Stop smoking symptom 2 Bad breath or halitosis : This is one of the most antisocial quit the symptoms. Many people recommend chewing gum, because it not only gives your mouth something to do , but also covers the smell. What most smokers do not realize is that they have bad breath anyway. It is only because they really came to leave out !

Stop smoking symptom  3 Constipation : I do not exactly know why, but many smokers complain of constipation when they quit . The intestinal tract tends to decrease , but it is usually temporary . The only remedies are recommended to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of foods rich in fiber such as wholemeal bread and fruit.

Stop smoking symptom  4 Cough: When you stop smoking, your lungs finally get a moment to begin to clean the way they are supposed to. This process does not operate normally by smoking every hour. The body is simply expel mucus that has accumulated over the years . This wet cough should only last a week or two and your body will naturally clean the inside.

Stop smoking symptom  5 Cravings : When you stop smoking, stop drinking on a steady supply of nicotine. After only three days , it remains longer in your body. As such , because your brain is so used to the nicotine asks " where is and calls to more cravings. Your best course of action is to distract you for a while . The desire lasts on average only a minute or two and become less and meanwhile .

Stop smoking symptom  6 Dizziness : When you stop smoking, your body begins to fix the red blood cells that have been injured in carbon monoxide. After two days, 15% of the blood of a smoker who was dysfunctional blood becomes operational. Vertigo is a side effect of the oxygen in the extra blood is delivered to your brain!

Stop smoking symptom  7 Headaches: your body is used to nicotine in the system, when you were a smoker. Now that the nicotine is gone, the chemistry of your brain tries to reset. Sometimes this is manifested by headaches. To solve this problem , it is best to avoid drinks containing caffeine , such as coffee or cola and drink plenty of water.quit smoking Take pain medication as needed .

Stop Smoking Symptom  8 Hunger : Desire cigarette can be confused with hunger. He used to have a cigarette ( or something) into the mouth once per hour during the last years . They have now disappeared. Try sucking on a straw ,quit smoking eating low calories vegetables raw or gum. Do not turn to chocolate or chips - you'll get fat!

Stop Smoking Symptom  9 Insomnia: Because the nicotine your brain was used for is gone , the brain does not work the way it .quit smoking Therefore, you can have a little nervous panic that prevents you from being able to sleep .quit smoking Take a hot bath and a hot drink and see if you can not sleep normally.

Stop smoking symptom  10 Sore throat : His body was used to secrete a large amount of mucus in the airways , while you were a smoker to cope with irritation of the smoke. When he leaves , the production of mucus stops and leaves you with a dry throat that becomes painful. Drink plenty of water to try to alleviate the symptoms. If they are really bad , try a spray anesthetic on the counter.

They all left several symptoms that conspire against you . They irritate and annoy you when you try to quit smoking.quit smoking But remember , they are only the symptoms and they will pass in time. Irritating and annoying as they are , none of them is as tedious as a premature death of cigarettes!

Whatever you do , when you try to quit smoking , my advice is to never stop trying to quit.

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